
约翰霍普金斯大学已经制定了保护你隐私的指导方针. Patient records are confidential and are maintained by the 卫生信息管理处. Patients or their representatives with legal medical power of attorney can authorize the release of confidential patient information.


mychart graphic


Beginning March 25, 2021, 约翰霍普金斯医学院将通过 MyChart. MyChart is a secure website that provides medical information to you about your Johns Hopkins care and connects you to your health care team. MyChart是一个由先进加密技术保护的安全门户. 只有您和您的代理才能通过密码访问您的帐户. MyChart的大部分部分都有英语和西班牙语版本. 部分临床记录和访后总结可能无法完全翻译. Use of healthcare-approved interpreter is advised in situations where full translation is not available. 所有JHM设施均提供翻译服务.




从2022年1月1日开始, Maryland law 要求所有受控物质处方以电子方式提交. 类似的法律已经在 Florida and Virginia. 管制药物是指可能被滥用或导致成瘾的药物. 这包括但不限于阿片类药物, stimulants, 一些镇静剂和抗焦虑药物, 合成代谢类固醇和一些用于控制癫痫发作和/或神经痛的药物. 了解更多有关受管制物质的资料.

Electronic prescribing allows healthcare practitioners to send prescriptions to a participating pharmacy electronically instead of using printed prescriptions.



要通过MyChart请求您的医疗记录,请遵循 本页说明. 通过健康信息管理(HIM)部门请求您的记录, 请按照以下步骤操作. 


To request a copy of your medical records for yourself or to have your medical records sent to a third-party, 下载并完成 “推荐十大正规网赌平台或推荐十大正规网赌平台代表索取健康资料副本的要求”表格.


The form must be completed by the patient or patient representative and clearly state the dates of service, 所需记录的具体类型以及在表格上注明的所有其他信息.

你也可以在接受治疗的约翰霍普金斯医院拿到这些表格的复印件, 或者要求邮寄表格, 通过电子邮件或传真发给你.

请注意:如果你正在接受精神病治疗, your request will need to be reviewed by your psychiatrist or designee prior to release of your medical records. 如果您的请求被拒绝, 你可向医疗卫生署提出书面要求,索取精神科医生的摘要.

Costs for Copies


  • If the record is being released directly to your private physician or another health care facility, 复制您的记录不收费.
  • For copies released to your or a third party upon your request or the request of your personal representative, a fee of $6.你可以申请电子病历的那部分, 收费最高可达0美元.每页12美元加上0美元.90 flat labor fee may apply for the portion of your medical record maintained on paper or microfilm.
  • Third-Party Requests: Third parties may be charged a flat fee for retrieval in addition to fees associated with producing these records.
  • The costs may vary depending on the facility and are subject to change in accordance with the state and federal laws.
  • 约翰霍普金斯医院与CIOX Health签订合同,处理某些记录副本请求. 如果要收费的话, an invoice will be issued from CIOX Health or the hospital’s 卫生信息管理处, 包括付款指示.


Please select the facility where you received care to find information about how to submit your medical records request. If you are requesting medical records from a Johns Hopkins facility other than those listed below, 请直接致电该设施以了解在何处提交您的请求.


取决于国家, applicable law generally allows between 21 and 30 days to process requests for copies of medical records, 但通常不会花那么长时间. 复制与患者直接护理相关的请求, 比如预约医生, get priority. 如果你需要预约记录, 请在申请表上填写预约日期.

We will fax medical records only to another health care provider or facility for continuing medical care, 而且只有当推荐十大正规网赌平台在医疗服务提供者的办公室时. 如需提前送达记录,请要求邮寄.

如果您要领取您的记录副本,您将需要带照片的身份证件. 只有患者或患者代表才能拿起记录的副本, 除非患者或患者代表另有书面指示.


You can now download your medical record information through a third-party application (app) of your choice by making a request for records through your selected app. Please note that while Johns Hopkins does not endorse or have an affiliation with any specific third-party app, there are several apps available to the public that already have permissions to connect to the Johns Hopkins electronic medical record system. 选择其中一个应用程序将使您更快地访问您的医疗记录信息.  

请注意,无论您选择哪种应用程序来访问您的医疗记录信息, Johns Hopkins has no responsibility for or control over the security or privacy of your information once the information has been shared with the app. Please be sure to review all the terms and conditions and privacy policy of your selected app prior to requesting your information be shared.  


如果你认为你的医疗记录有误, 第一步应该是向你的提供者发送MyChart信息,解释你的担忧. 如果您的提供者同意,他们可能会编辑注释以纠正错误. 如果您的提供者没有更改笔记,而您仍然觉得有些地方不正确, 你可以提交一份正式申请来修改你的记录

如需修改,请下载 请求修改我的受保护健康信息.. 一旦你完成了, signed, 并在表格上注明日期, please email, 使用表格上的联系信息传真或邮寄. 如未能下载此表格,请致电查询 410-955-6043 我们会邮寄或传真一份给你.

Privacy Practices

约翰霍普金斯大学致力于保护您的隐私. 在法律允许的情况下,我们如何以及何时与他人共享您的医疗信息, 请参阅患者隐私声明. 本通知是按照联合委员会的要求张贴的,不得删除.



约翰霍普金斯医院不提供出生证明或死亡证明. 领取出生证明副本, 死亡或胎儿死亡证明, 联系出生或死亡发生的州的生命记录办公室:


马里兰州健康和精神卫生部门, 生命纪录科
410-764-3038 (local) or 1-800-832-3277 (toll-free).

Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. 卫生统计中心生命记录部 (西布里纪念医院的出生和死亡数据)
Washington, D.C. 20002
202-442-9303 or 202-442-5865

要取得出生证明的副本,你必须打电话或写信索取副本. The fee is $23. 将支票支付给D.C. Treasury. If writing, 你必须写上孩子的名字, 出生日期, 在你的请求里写上母亲的娘家姓和父亲的姓. 如果亲自领取,您必须出示带照片的身份证件.